Tennis club Mikulov (TOM)
Tennis club Mikulov (TOM)
Want to know more?
ul. Svobody (areál na Doležalce)
692 01 Mikulov
692 01 Mikulov
+420 606 494 280
basic information
Three tennis courts, Asphalt court (football, basketball), Tennis wall, Dressing room, Shower room, Fast food, Purchase of monthy passes available, Sport equipment available for hire, Instructor, Outdoor sitting, WC, Parking place
Suitable for congresses
Opening hours
May-October: Monday-Friday 8.00-20.00, Saturday 8.00-21.00, Sunday from 13.00, phone reservation at least 1 day in advance recommended
Contact us
If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us. We will answer your question as soon as possible, no later than the next working day.