Castle Hall
A large social, theatre and conference hall in the second part of the settlement around the castle. Part of the social premises is an entrance foyer with a stone fl oor and a balcony above the main hall. In the hall there is a parquet fl oor. The dais has a standard outfi t designed for theatre as well as for other performances and it is connected with four rooms usable as a background in terms of big social events. From the hall you can enter the adjacent wine bar with a lounge and the eastern castle terrace. The hall has a direct entry to the wine bar and to the restaurant over the hall; in the entrance vestibule there is a bar with a background for catering, a cloakroom, WCs.
Big representative social events, balls, concerts, congresses, festive sessions, big conferences, shows, presentations.
Tables and chairs, projection technology, a screen, a curtain, acoustic apparatus, black-out of the hall, plasma television sets in the vestibule with direct transmission from the hall.
approximately 360 m2 (23x14 m)
the dais 80 m2 (14x5 m)
in case of a table arrangement – the capacity of 230 people
in the case of arrangement of the hall in the form of an auditorium – the capacity of 300 people
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If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us. We will answer your question as soon as possible, no later than the next working day.