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6.4 km




188 m


50 %

country roads

50 %

Entrance to circuit


Marked roads

A short section 5236, Stará hora



Please note

This trail is not marked as a cycle path.

Good to know

A legend has it that a treasure of innumerable worth is buried in the Cat Rock – a large barrel filled with gold, silver and gemstones. The Cat Rock is believed to open up once in a year, on Easter Monday, but only for the time of Mass celebration.

Tips and historical sites along the way

Turold – an educational trail featuring eight information panels is approx. 300 m long. In large part it merges with the access road to the Turold Cave.

The Cat Rock – the small limestone rock is a natural monument. It lies approx. 2 km north of Mikulov (the Mikulov – Klentnice section). It offers spectacular views of the surroundings.

Goat castle (Kozí hrádek) – one of the three dominant rocks around Mikulov. A pleasant respite area.

The Jewish Cemetery – one of the largest and most important cemeteries in the Czech Republic, founded in the mid 15th century. There are over 4 000 standing headstones here.

Around Mikulov and Turond

height profile

195 m 196 m

Circuit points

Mikulov - Náměstí
Jeskyně na Turoldu
Kozí hrádek
Židovský hřbitov
Mikulov - Náměstí

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