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Mikulov – Dobré Pole – Novosedly – Dolní Dunajovice – Mikulov


30.9 km




254 m


70 %

country roads

30 %

Entrance to circuit

Mikulov, Březí, Dobré Pole, Novosedly, Dolní Dunajovice

Marked roads

EV13, 41, EV9, Mikulovská, Moravská vinná, Greenway Prague–Vienna, Stará hora, 5, Greenway Krakow-Morava-Vienna, 5236


Novosedly, Dolní Dunajovice, Mikulov

Please note

In Mikulov, international route 52 must be crossed using the pedestrian crossing near the roundabout at Billa, the Mikulov–Březí crossroads. The route leading around the industrial park to the pedestrian crossings near the shopping area is safer.

Good to know

In the period of The First Czechoslovak Republic, Dolní Dunajovice with its vineyard area of 500 ha was the largest wine village in Bohemia and Moravia.

Tips and historical sites along the way

Novosedly – you can view the Museum of Czechoslovak Fortifications ‘U Starého lomu’ from 1935–1938. The Church of St. Oldřich from the 13th century stands in the village square.

The Dunajovice Hills – a national nature monument which includes ‘Velká Slunečná’ Hill – a pyramid where you can climb up cascades to the top with a great view over the surroundings.

Dolní Dunajovice – a wine village where you can visit the Church of St. Jiljí from the 16th century, decorated with frescoes and paintings by the artist Jan Stern in the 18th century. An eighteenth-century pillory and three statues of saints are of interest.

Mikulov – Dobré Pole – Novosedly – Dolní Dunajovice – Mikulov

height profile

482 m 482 m

Circuit points

Mikulov - Náměstí
Dobré Pole
Dolní Dunajovice
Mikulov - Náměstí

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